Sunday, March 20, 2011

Supermoon - Night Shoot at the Fort Griffin 'Flats'

The night of the Supermoon.  This time it was all three of us, Me, Todd and Butch.  This was another of Todd's finds.  This was the furthest I have ever gone for a shoot.  On the way there we kinda got lost, but finally found the site.  The buildings here (except the jail) are recreations of the buildings that were here in the 1870's rebuilt on the same foundations that the originals were.  

F5, ISO1600, 20 Seconds, 24mm

F8, ISO1000, 85 Seconds, 28mm

F7.1, ISO800, 19 Seconds, 28mm (Natural Maglight placed in jail cell.)

F7.1, ISO800, 25 Seconds, 28mm

It was at Shaunissy's Saloon in Fort Griffin that Wyatt Earp first met Doc Holliday.
F7.1, ISO400, 32 Seconds, 28mm (multiple natural flash pops)

The Woodson Suspension Bridge.  Built in 1896 to allow the transport of cattle across the Brazos River.  It now sits condemned and in ruin.  This was about 30-45 minutes away from Fort Griffin.

F7.1, 400ISO, 35 Seconds, 28mm (Natural Maglight used to 'paint' bridge)